Christmas Star at Harjutori
Christmas Star – Street life

”Christmas Star – Street life” is a work I did at 2007 as a part of an urban enviromental art happening ”Hybridea”.

”Christmas Star” is a sculpture made of traffic control cones. I like the strong colors of traffic control materials. I have exhibited ”Christmas Star” also in more traditional space in Turku art museum.

In”Christmas Star – Street life” I moved the Christmas Star sculpture around Helsinki for a five weeks in spring 2007. I started at my studio in Vallila and slowly travelled through the city. I carried the Christmas Star comfortably for a few blocks each day and locked it up somewhere in the street for the night. I chose some place where one could for example leave a bicycle. I did not ask any permission for my work from any official authoroty – in the sculpture there was a little flag with my phone number, in case of some trouble. I travelled from the industrial areas, through the city center to the wealthier surroundings by the sea.

During the time of the work the city of Helsinki had a quite a hostile policy concerning graffities. In a way I wanted participate that conversation. I wanted independently bring an artwork into the city space. Something that would fit in quite naturally, but would also cheer up fellow citizens with its strangeness.

The whole documentation of the work at:

01 Christmas Star at the Studio of Turku art museum

01 Christmas Star at the Studio of Turku art museum |

02 at Sturenkatu

02 at Sturenkatu |

03 at Teollisuuskatu

03 at Teollisuuskatu |

04 at Pannukakkupuisto

04 at Pannukakkupuisto |

05 by Miina Äkkijyrkkäs sculptures next to Merihaka

05 by Miina Äkkijyrkkäs sculptures next to Merihaka |

06 at Hakaniemenranta

06 at Hakaniemenranta |

07 at Snellmanninkatu

07 at Snellmanninkatu |

08 at Kauppatori

08 at Kauppatori |

09 at Erottaja

09 at Erottaja |

10 at St Johans church

10 at St Johans church |

11 at Tehtaankatu

11 at Tehtaankatu |

12 at Eiranmäki

12 at Eiranmäki |

13 by the Monument of the drowned

13 by the Monument of the drowned |

Christmas Star at Harjutori

Christmas Star at Harjutori |